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Family travel is so rewarding. You can make some great memories together. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to travel without the kids though?! My hubby and I love taking trips kid-free. Here are 5 reasons why I like to go on trips sans kids.

5 – Life is going by way too fast.

If you don’t book your much needed kid-free trip now, you may put it off another year….or five. With all the responsibility of life, parenthood, work, and everything in between – we are busy. Every year seems to go by faster than the last. My husband and I intentionally plan a minimum of two kid-free trips every year. If we don’t have them in the calendar, it’s easy to let a whole year go by without a trip for just the two of us!

Kid-free St Lucia beach trip
Saint Lucia – taking our second nap of the day in between water activities, cocktails, and getting lost in Magnolia Journal the magazine (me) & a book (him)

4 All the luggage space is for you and your spouse.  If you’re like me, it’s 90% for me and 10% for him.

You can condense and share one suitcase with your spouse or use two whole suitcases for yourself!  I tend to bring triple the clothes when I go on kid-free trips just because I have the extra space.  On our family trips I have to make room for diapers, wipes, burp cloths, lots of tiny kid clothes, kid snacks, etc. etc. You get the drift. My daughter saw me packing for one of our mommy and daddy only trips and asked “why do you need three outfits for one day?!” Well, my dear, when you don’t come on the trip Mommy has lots of extra room in her suitcase to pack things like an exercise outfit, a day outfit, and a going out/dinner outfit for every day of the trip.

If you need on ideas on what to pack, here is a link to some of our favorites to take on kid-free trips!

Kid-free Fredericksburg weekend
Fredericksburg, TX – please note the large bag for a two night’s stay, which contains zero kid items

3 – You don’t have to carry a diaper bag or a bag filled with kid things for the whole trip!!!

You can eat at a restaurant that doesn’t have high chairs. You can walk on a rough/cracked sidewalk and not have to worry about a stroller. You don’t have to keep up with baby food containers or bibs or spoons or wipes or 27 items to distract a wiggly going-to-lose-it-any-minute toddler.

Kid-free Perth vacay
Perth, Western Australia – look! An actual purse! Not a diaper bag! Oh the joys of traveling kid-free.

2 – Let’s face it. It’s way more relaxing without tiny people around.

Sure, you love your kids and want to hang out with them (most days). But they can be so stinkin’ needy! When you go on a kid-free vacation, no one needs anything from you or your spouse. You can read a book, take all the naps, part ways and just be alone, do things you and your spouse love that aren’t centered around the kids. Your days won’t be dictated by a tiny little (adorable) threenager who woke up cranky. The hardest questions you will have to answer is what you want for dinner and what you want to do that day.

If you’re needing book ideas, here is a link to some recommendations!

Kid-free Riviera Maya trip
Riviera Maya – beach, nap, massage, pool, nap, repeat.

1 – You have the opportunity to reconnect with your spouse.

Your kids are only with you for 18ish years. Hopefully you have your spouse for 50+ years. The best gift you can give your kids is to show them what a healthy, strong, servant-hearted marriage looks like. On a kid-free trip you can get to know each other again and be reminded why you fell in love. You can stay out as late as you want or go to bed as early as you want. The choice is yours!

Kid-free in Napa Valley
Napa Valley – the only whine we experienced all weekend.

So you’re convinced now?! Before you change your mind – go call Grammy D & Popsi to watch the munchkins and book that trip! Sure, you’ll miss them, but they are going to have way more fun than you think while you’re away.

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Our Bucket List


17 Replies to “5 Reasons Why You Need To Book That Kid-Free Vacay ASAP”

  1. Yes!
    Before you know it, those little will be bigs and it’s just going to be the 2 of you so you need to keep being a couple! Takes work and effort–and those vacay are your reward! Great post!

  2. #3…it’s all about #3!!! We were so happy to get to the point in life where we didn’t have to carry around a diaper bag anymore. Now, it’s like that all over again when we go on a vacation alone, without having to lug around kids stuff.

  3. Well done with your first post wifey. Very well written and true. I thoroughly enjoy our kid free trips and I think my top pick of the five reasons is number 1.

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About the Author

Hey there & welcome! I’m Mandi – wifey to my college sweetheart, mom to three crazy cute kiddos, and we are an American/Australian dual citizen family currently living in Pinellas County, Florida.  You’re in the right place of the blogging world if you love your kids, but also want to be encouraged to travel kid-free once in a while. I share about our kid-free luxury travels, as well as our epic family road trips.  We are on a quest to take the kids to all 50 states!



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