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Hey there!  I’m Mandi – saved by grace, wife to a hunky hubby, mom of three, lover of guacamole and traveling. 

Thanks for stopping by to check out my little space in the blogging world.  My vision for this blog is to be a resource for families to learn how to travel healthier.  

My family and I switched from the Standard American Diet to a real food based diet in 2011 when our first child was born.  We don’t eat God-made food 100% of the time, but do our best to make healthier choices when available.  At home, I cook mostly gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free meals, so those will be referenced a lot in this blog!

My hubby, Josh, and I started traveling when we first got married.  It started as little weekend trips to visit baseball parks in the States.  He’s a huge baseball fan.  Then, it turned into visiting at least one new country a year.  Our second year of marriage we moved to Australia, and the traveling continued.  While we were living in Australia (from 2009-2016) we got to see a LOT of that beautiful country and visited many countries around Oz. 

My passion for travel has grown over the years.  Josh and I promised each other that we would still make an effort to travel with our littles.  Our oldest kiddo had more passport stamps by the time she was 2 than my first 25 years of life!  

So this is my predicament: 

  • The kids have only ever known a God-made food diet. 
  • We want to travel the world, but still stick as closely as possible to eating God-made foods.  I mean, who wants to get sick on holidays???
  • I found most restaurant kid’s menu options consist of dairy-gluten-sugar-filled items that would make my kids super sick.

I’m excited to share with you how we stick to our lifestyle as closely as possible when traveling, and hope you can get some helpful information from this blog to adopt into your own travels.

Tune in to read blog topics related to:

  • Kid-free travel (a favorite topic of mine!!!)
  • Traveling with kids
  • How to eat healthier on vacation/holidays
  • Destination spotlights
  • Resort spotlights
  • Exercise while on vacation/holidays
  • Our favorite products/brands/foods (* I will only ever share products my family personally uses, loves, and fits in with our lifestyle preferences.)

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Our Bucket List!

Disclaimer:  I am NOT a chiropractor, personal trainer, nutritionist, naturopath, or any other qualified health practitioner. I am just a mom who has a passion for health and wellness. Please remember the information on Maverick Family Life blog is for educational purposes only. Consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine or changing your diet. I do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent and disease with the information found on this blog.


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About the Author

Hey there & welcome! I’m Mandi – wifey to my college sweetheart, mom to three crazy cute kiddos, and we are an American/Australian dual citizen family currently living in Pinellas County, Florida.  You’re in the right place of the blogging world if you love your kids, but also want to be encouraged to travel kid-free once in a while. I share about our kid-free luxury travels, as well as our epic family road trips.  We are on a quest to take the kids to all 50 states!



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